About me.

Growing up in Cobourg with my sister and parents, we moved every 5 years or so.  My dad is a very handy person, owning a landscaping business and also being a carpenter. My parents would buy fixer homes and reno them over a few years and sell them.  We also went through the process of building 2 homes when I was a child.  From an early age I learned about fixing things, painting, and learned the trade of landscaping.

I left my hometown at 17 and headed to Thunder Bay for 8 years to go to university and college.  During this time I traveled all over Europe and had the opportunity to Study in Sweden.  Not long after, I had another opportunity to study in Brazil and moved there at 25.  Throughout this time I moved a lot, met amazing people, and learned so much about myself.

Being a realtor was never on my radar until a few years ago.   When Covid hit,  my wife and I moved back to the area where I grew up, and I started to realize that I needed a change of career.  Covid made us realize that being closer to family was important to us, as was the need to create a community around us.  

Just before we moved back my grandfather passed away.  I was devastated.  I knew that I needed to make a few changes in my life.  My grandfather taught me the importance of family, community, travel, and enjoying life.   I had always worked in the trades but my body was already starting to fail me, with injury after injury.  Making a change was imperative.  I decided to combine my skills in the trades (painting, landscaping, home renos), and my love for helping others, and go into real estate.

Covid made the realization for me that your home is a sanctuary, a place that is oh so important to creating a happy life.  It also made me realize that some people live in a home that doesn’t work for them anymore.  My grandmother was one of these people and held onto living in her condo, even though she was falling, and in and out of the hospital.

I saw the hesitation and the complete unwillingness to move to a better and more suited home for her.  It caused stress and tension among her children.  And most people that knew her, worried. Thankfully though, she has some children who live close enough to help.  I know others don’t and it makes situations like this so much harder.

I know finding that home, that new sanctuary, can be hard and sometimes there needs to be a little push in that direction.  Once my grandma moved into a nursing home, there was a little growing pain but quickly it was obvious that it was a great fit for her.  No longer was there stress for her children about her falling.  She was able to do what she used to do, like walking up and down the halls, waving at people, greeting the nurses.  She got to be more social again, and she made friends with people.

My best friend told me, “I think everything that you have done has led you to real estate and I think it’s your perfect job.”

It is so important to me that I can help people find that home that works for them.  That it is a space that is right.  It’s what led me to create my 5 step Stress-Free Process! It allows them to feel safe, and create a sanctuary there.  Moving to a better-suited home not only can be the right move for us but also for our loved ones.  I know moving is hard, I have done it so many times myself.  With the right guidance, you can find your home, your sanctuary, to create many more memories.

Serving Peterborough, Northumberland,
& Trent Hills Areas